Latest 1KUNS-PF Data!
This is the most recent data of 1KUNS-PF, received by either our ground stations at Urbe and Malindi, as well as SatNOGS.
The name of the last receiving station includes those of the radio-amateurs community!
Battery Voltage (mV):
1KUNS-PF mounts two Li-Ion cells in parallel for a maximum voltage of ~8.3 Volts. During the eclipse, no power is generated by the solar panel and the voltage drops, depending on how much operations are performed by the spacecraft during the eclipse.
As soon as the CubeSat emerges from behind the Earth, the batteries begin charging and go back to the maximum voltage.
Temperatures (°C):
The temperatures oscillate a lot during the orbit, as they are most affected by cycling of sunlight and eclipse. The graph shows the effect that the eclipse has on the spacecraft: the solar panel quickly drop in temperature as soon as there is no more sunlight, while the OBC (On-Board Computer) slowly lags behind and does not drop as much: solar panels can get as cold as -30°C during the eclipse and as high as 70°C during sunlight. The OBC on the other hand stays comfortably in almost ambient conditions. When the spacecraft transmits data to a Ground Station, the transceiver heats up. This is shown as a bump in the temperature of the radio, that otherwise follows the OBC.
Gyroscopes (°/s):
The gyroscopes inside the spacecraft measure the rotation of the CubeSat around the three axis in the local reference frame. The reading specifies the angular velocity of the CubeSat with respect to the ECI reference frame.
Solar Panels
The following data pertains the solar panel readings, normalized solar flux and generated power. 1KUNS-PF has six solar panels, one on each face, made of two solar cells each. Each panel can generate up to 2.3W.