A project coordinated by the Italian Space Agency
Launch opportunity provided by the European Space Agency

GreenCube digipeater
Current status: OFFLINE – Digipeater will be back on Monday, June 12th at 00:00 UTC. Follow us on twitter for real-time updates – S5Lab Twitter
NEW! Now the digipeater will not reply with “ACK” when the store time is less than 15 seconds.
GreenCube telecommunication subsystem has a digipeater functionality available to the radioamateur community. It can operate in real-time mode and in “store & forward” mode and requires an amateur radio station with:
- Windows PC
- Directional antenna (10 dBi at least recommended)
- Audio connection between transceiver and PC
(Further details about interfaces and modulation in the archive below)
The frequency is the same used in the telemetry channel (435.310 MHz) and the activation of the digipeater function is scheduled at least every week during the weekends (from Friday at 00:01 UTC to Sunday at 23:59 UTC), with possible extensions.
The S5lab team of Sapienza provides the software needed to communicate with the satellite along with a technical guide of the setup and the GUI features. The following archive contains:
- The user manual
- The Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- The Terminal Node Controller (TNC) software
- The GNURadio script to receive and transmit
-> Greencube Digipeater package (1.5 MB – Free download)
The digipeater has been developed in collaboration with AMSAT Italia, which the team thanks for their support
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